BizTalk 2006 Books

October 13, 2006

Back in March I suggested my previous employer to consider BizTalk for the orchestration needs. No one knew much about BizTalk (including me) and since I brought it up, I was tasked with evaluating and prototyping some orchestrations.
I had to struggle to find resources on BizTalk 2006, there were no books, very sparse information on the web, and totally useless Microsoft documentation. Since then the situation has improved, here are 2 books I found that are already out.

  1. BizTalk 2006 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
  2. Pro BizTalk 2006 (Pro)

There are few more that will be out in the next 3-4 months.

Books and Views

October 28, 2004

Here are the books that look decent and are on my list of books to read/flip/skim/borrrow.

  1. Beginning XML, 3rd Edition
  2. XML in a Nutshell, 3E
  3. Remoting with C# and .NET

I reserved to borrow the 3rd book at my local library.

Well anyway, I am so inclined to make political blog entries these days that I have come close to doing that a couple of times…but I generally avoid doing that…I guess those views will stay private for now….

XML Book

October 25, 2004

O’Reilly published XML in a Nutshell (3rd Edition) last month. From the two reviews on, the book appears decent and at 700 pages not too big either. I probably will buy it in a month or two, for now, I have plenty of stuff to read and concentrate upon.